
Music talent isn't inborn, it is nurtured: These words embody Dr. Suzuki's philosophy of "Every Child Can".
With the right support and opportunities, individuals can develop and excel in their talents, regardless of their natural abilities or background.

This page is an application form for those who would like to enroll in Stafford Music Studio's music lessons after-school at Cornerstone Campus Preschool. These lessons are taught with a focus on developing the skills on the specific instrument: Voice and/or Piano. Discount Code is on the handout/flyer.

All children have a tremendous capacity to learn. Where love is deep much can be accomplished.

Preschool Voice Program 🎤
Mondays afterschool until 1:45pm
What do students learn in the Preschool Voice Program?

𝄞 Ear Training - Students match pitch at least within the octave of middle C to the C above, correctly identify and sing high and low, and raising and lowering pitches. Correctly sing and do motions of "Body Scale" steps Do, Mi, Fa, So, and La in both low and high voice/register. Repeat back short melodic sequences consisting of Do, Mi, Fa, So, and La on the Body Scale.

𝄞 Rhythm - Sing, clap, step, and/or play a percussion instrument along to the beat at variety of tempos. Accurately repeat short rhythmic sequences using rhythm syllables (ti, tah, and tah-ah)

𝄞 Sight-reading/Singing - "sight-read" a pictorially notated melodic phrase of solfege notes, and "sight-read" a pictorially notated rhythmic phrase in rhythm syllables.

𝄞 Technique - Demonstrate a basic understanding of "belly breathing", hiss, buzz/trill and sing an open vowel for at least 10 seconds on a single pitch. Buzz/trill and sing an open vowel in a rising and falling siren of at least an octave. Begin to be able to sing in both high and low voice/register. Posture and body alignment appropriate for most efficient use of the singing instrument (release of muscle tension, effective and efficient access of the source of energy for singing)

𝄞 Musicianship Creating a beautiful tone with accurate pitches and rhythm

𝄞 Performance - Do actions and activities while singing them, perform solos for parents or friends.

  • Tuition for Preschool Voice Program:
    Mondays, 25 weeks:
    $159/month ($119 after Cornerstone Discount Code)

Mini Musicians Pre-Piano Program 🎹
Tuesdays/Thursdays afterschool until 1:45pm
What do students learn in the Mini Musicians Pre-Piano Program?

𝄞 Aural - Students will be singing the full pentatonic scale in solfa with the jumps do-mi and mi-so. The vocal explorations include pitch and simple solfa exercises. This also includes listening for finding the beat, and coordinating the various actions. The songs included in this section are folk songs from all over the world.

𝄞 Rhythm - Students will meet the notes ♫ ♩ 𝅗𝅥 𝅗𝅥. 𝅝 𝄽 We work with these mostly through chanting, moving, and improvising. We will also be working on feeling the beat every week by marching/patsching (tapping knees), passing beanbags, and moving with scarves to the music.

𝄞 Theory - Students will learn piano geography and "build" the keyboard pattern, and the musical alphabet. We will also cover high and low, same and different, on the piano. 

𝄞 Technique - Piano techniques that focuses on hand-shape and arm weight. Rather than rushing to use all the fingers, and creating tension and bad shape in the process, when we play specific notes, we will stick with just one finger from each hand so that students can use their whole arm in a more natural way. We do this with fingerplays and through "keyflops". Students will also be taught a good piano playing posture that sets the necessary foundation for future private lessons.

𝄞 Improvisations - exploring the full range of sounds at the piano to cover 2 different sets of "environments" though music (Forest Explorations and Ocean Explorations). Each set consists of 8 improvisation patterns and we will move through the two sets through the year, and create final compositions at the end. 

𝄞 Star Songs - We build music reading skills with Star Songs. By working with letters and colors, students will be getting the best chance of success. The notation is similar enough to real notation that students can absorb important skills like reading from left to right, line-by-line, and the directionality of notes, but not so similar that it will become a crutch that they miss when they move to a more traditional book. A copy of this book is available for download in PDF format within the Student Portal.

  • Tuition for Mini Musicians Pre-Piano Program:
    Tuesdays, 27 weeks: $172/month ($128 after Cornerstone Discount Code)
    Thursdays, 28 weeks: $179/month ($133 after Cornerstone Discount Code) FULL

Tuition for Two Programs: Mini Musicians Pre-Piano Program + Preschool Voice Program

$344/month ($245 after Cornerstone Discount Code)

Frequently Asked Questions:
Where will the programs be held?
The programs will be held within Cornerstone Campus Preschool.
Where is pickup?
It will be at the same place where you pick-up your children on regular school days.
Will these programs be only held for one month?
These programs will continue until the end of the public school year. Summer and Fall 2024 TBC.
How will I be charged?
You will receive an invoice to the email you have provided, and the monthly flat rate will be charged on the credit card you have provided on sign-up on auto-pay a week before the first of the month. If you have joined after the program has officially began for the year, your first month will be prorated.
Do I have to commit to the whole year?
It will be beneficial for your child to continue with the program as long as it is offered, as it is a gentle and gradual introduction to the elements of music and skills that is appropriate for preschool age. It will be on a rolling enrollment, and new learners can enroll anytime. In circumstances that you cannot continue with the program, please inform me through writing (email: judy@staffordmusicstudio.com) on or before the 15th of the month, so the auto-pay will not occur.
Can you tell me more how my children will get to your program?
After the children are dismissed by their classroom teachers, their teachers will walk them to our music room. I made sure that the children will already have had lunch, and planned the program schedule accordingly to make it convenient for parents, and a seamless transition for the children. I will receive them and take attendance. After you sign up, you will have access to my Student Portal, wherein you can see attendance, lesson notes, billing, studio calendar, and other information that may be helpful in regards to the program and your children.
*You will also receive email reminders to the next scheduled class 2 days before each class, and an SMS reminder an hour before (to save you the trip in case you forgot that there is a Mini Musicians/Preschool Voice that day).
If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to me. As a parent myself, I understand how we need to make sure our children are in good hands for any new programs they are taking on. It will be my pleasure to answer all your questions. Thank you for this opportunity to work with your children. I look forward to sharing my passion for music with them!