
Judy Stafford has almost 20 years of experience teaching voice and piano. She is an active member of Tanglewood Festival Chorus, and performs with the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

Venue of performances include Symphony Hall in Boston, Berkshires at Tanglewood, and Carnegie Hall.

She studied at the top schools for her degrees: Conservatory of Music - University of Santo Tomas in Philippines, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and had her Masters in Music at New England Conservatory of Music. 

She has competed and won prizes in Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, and Italy. She has traveled and had solo concerts a few times around the world - in Asia, Europe, and America.

Judy Stafford brings in her vast performance and teaching experience in lessons and shares what she knows generously. By teaching how to sing and play using healthy techniques, students can do what they love for a long, long time without injury.  

Mrs. Stafford, as her students call her, teaches piano and voice using creative ideas to make learning fun.

She teaches her students how to break down complicated music into manageable steps to scaffold learning, making it rewarding and building their confidence. She teaches the "how" instead of just showing you how.  
 She wants every student in her studio to learn how to use music as a form of expression, and to challenge themselves in finding their own interpretation to music so it can be completely their own. 
 Aside from music studio and performance commitments, Judy Stafford loves to read and swim in the pool. She prefers hot drinks to cold drinks, and loves spicy foods. Her favorite season is winter! 
 Judy is also a homeschooler, and educates her two girls using Montessori principles.  

"Music is the only universal language that can be understood by everyone from all over the world. With it, you will be able to connect with anyone wherever you go." ~ Mrs. Stafford    

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